Friday, March 1, 2013

Welcome Back! And Warm Bodies (2013)

Hello film kids!

I know, right? It's been quite a while. I'll leave it up to film studies-related affairs that have kept me from you. As I look back on the blogs that I've written over the course of my awkward time on Blogger, it's easy to say that they revolved mainly around women in horror films. To be honest, I have no problem with this, as this is clearly a subject that I love. So, as it's 2013 now, I will be beginning my blogging once again.

I'll be starting things off with my brief reaction to the popular zombie-romance that is Warm Bodies. Equipped with a wonderful indie rock soundtrack, Jonathan Levine's take on Isaac Marion's novel (which I still have yet to read) is a film of sensitive moments that captures the awkwardness of young love, with brains, of course.

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Nicholas Hoult's R is a young zombie, who lives in an airplane, and who happens to have an extensive vinyl collection. Attacking a research lab, R sees plucky Julia through the bloody carnage and experiences a moment of romantic yearning. He rescues Julie from the deadly clutches of his zombie peers, and brings her back to his airplane for protection.

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Yes, this modern take on the classic Romeo and Juliet seems similar to the dreadful Twilight franchise, but that could not be further from the truth. Julia is actually a strong-willed individual capable of protecting herself, as seen in several instances. My favorite being the brief scene where she keeps a horde of zombies at bay with a weed wacker. Compared to the self-destructive Bella from Stephanie Meyer's poorly written saga, Julia serves as a great role model for you female viewers.

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Warm Bodies excels in practically every area that said vampire saga fails. R and Julia have legitimate chemistry that leaves other modern romances envious. Hoult is wonderful as R, and captures the zombie gait perfectly, while still maintaining the awkward charm of teen romantic lead. Teresa Palmer is wonderful as survivalist Julia, who's father is the leader of the human resistance. 

I know this review is a bit late, as Valentine's Day has been over for some time, but for those of you that have not seen this film yet, it is definitely worth checking out. 

Also, the Academy Awards were last weekend. Yes, Argo won. Yes, Silver Linings Playbook should have won. But at least Jennifer Lawrence did win. So, there's always that. And I'll just end on this note: Life of Pi won a few more awards than it deserved. 

Well, film kids, again I apologize for my absence. There will be more good things in the future.

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